A conversation with Israeli activist Yuval Dag, who is a part of the Mesarvot conscientious objector network and has spent two months in military prison for refusing to enlist in the Israeli army.
Ever since Israel was founded there have been conscientious objectors to military service. The Mesarvot network, founded in 2015, supports hundreds of young Israeli every year through their difficult refusal process. This support includes legal assistance, guidance from past refuseniks, media training and fostering a space for young anti-occupation activists to work together. Mesarvots are dedicated to promoting an anti-militaristic anti-occupation discourse in Israeli society and have been protesting against the war in joint Israeli-Palestinian demonstrations across the country.

This evening is set up as a moderated conversation with Yuval, who refused to enlist in the IDF last year due to his refusal to serve the occupation and apartheid systems that oppress and control the Palestinain people. Feel welcome to participate in the conversation and ask your questions.
Practical information
Time: 20:00 till 22:00. Door opens at 19:30
Location: Theater De Generator – Middelstegracht 36, Leiden. We’ll use the door on the left side of the building, ring the bell.
Entry: free / donation
This evening is in English.
*This is a ‘verhuur’ (rental) event, which means is it not part of the regular program events.